Entrepreneurs especially, need to keep motivated & the best way of motivating yourself is by reading.
You probably see lists like “The 50 must-read books for entrepreneurs” or Amazon recommendations & other suggestions on a daily basis.
This can get pretty overwhelming & leave you wondering where to start. So how do we prioritise the books we read?
Source books best for YOU…a book “great for entrepreneurs” does not necessarily mean that it would be great for you, right now. Every industry, product, & company, is different, so you will benefit more by looking for books based on your own specific needs.
Your book choice will depend on whether you need motivation, mindset & self development or if you are an early-stage startup in product development phase. You might be starting to hire employees or outsourcing for the first time, or having issues with team dynamics. Maybe you need to raise money from investors, improve your sales process, or create a digital marketing strategy. Whatever you need, just improve your ability to identify your own weaknesses & find targeted and actionable reading material that is best for you.
Keep a list of books to read… book recommendations might arrive but they may pile up faster than you can read them. If you don’t have time to read a book immediately just keep a “Books to Read” list somewhere. The ability to manage lists is also an entrepreneurial skill.
You can keep your list on your phone, in a word doc, on an excel spreadsheet or even a notepad! Sometimes it is helpful to keep the name of the person or source who recommended it to you so you can reconnect again in the future.
Think about what you’ve read & how you can apply your new knowledge to your life & business…
These are my top books & I will be adding more so do check back regularly.
Do leave me a comment & let me know what your favourite books are…
1 Comment
I agree, yet I’d love to hear your book suggestions, please!