Susie Ellis dhp
Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, Business & Lifestyle Coach, Mentor
Do you need to overcome a problem to get your life back on track?
Using various therapeutic techniques I can work with you to get to the heart of the problem & overcome it through the power of your own mind Stress, anxiety, fears, phobias, habits, low self esteem, weight problems can all be helped as can nervousness about speaking in public, driving test worries, sport success/achievements and much much more ….
I am a member of the APHP, the Association for Professional Hypnosis & Psychotherapy which is dedicated to the professional and ethical use of hypnosis for the treatment of nervous disorders & emotional problems. Members are bound by a code of practice & ethics of the highest orders & must have professional Indemnity Insurance. UKCHO registered hypnotherapists have followed and successfully completed and high quality course to national occupational standards & are bound by a professional code of conduct, ethics & practice.
I am committed to ongoing personal development.
Please do contact me for an informal no obligation chat